What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic, a word of Greek origin meaning “performed by hand”, was founded in 1897 by Daniel D. Palmer, who described it as “a science of healing without drugs”. Today, chiropractic is known a natural form of health care mostly concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the nervous and  musculoskeletal systems, particularly the spinal cord and spine, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Further, chiropractic is based on the notion that the relationship between the body’s structure and its function are correlated, and that restoring proper function to the nervous system will help your body heal, naturally.

What do chiropractic doctors do?

The primary focus of a chiropractic doctor is to identify spinal subluxations (misalignments) and reduce or, when possible, correct them. Chiropractors utilize a variety of diagnostics, including physical examinations and technologies like spinal thermal scanning, electromyography (EMG-evaluation and recording electric activity in the brain) and, if needed, x-ray analysis to locate subluxations and determine whether or not there is a need for chiropractic care. If such a need is present, chiropractors use a gentle and painless procedure known as a spinal adjustment to reduce or correct the subluxations and, thereby, treat many health problems associated with spinal misalignments.

What type of education do chiropractic doctors receive?

Chiropractors must complete a minimum of four years of full-time pre-medicine/dentistry university courses. Then, once enrolled in chiropractic school, a further four years of intensive study emphasizing anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, body-mechanics, x-ray, spinal adjusting techniques, and many other related subjects are required. After graduating with a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree, the candidate must pass rigorous Board and Licensing Examinations before being granted the privilege to practice. Exam scores are important. States across the country have different minimum scores that must be met before someone can be licensed to practice chiropractic. And if one scores high enough on the exam, they can practice in all 50 states. We are proud to share that Dr. Beaudry has that honor!

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment is the art of applying intentional, precisely directed, low-force movement to a bone that is subluxated, “stuck,” or not moving properly. This “adjustment” aids motion in the spinal joints, helping the bone gradually return to more normal motion and positioning. In doing this, the adjustment releases tension or stress from the neighboring spinal nerves and spinal cord, resulting in general pain relief and improved nerve function and health.

Are all patients adjusted the same way?

No. The doctor evaluates each patient’s unique spinal problem and develops an individual care program. The resulting recommendations of that care program are sourced from years of training and experience and knowledge of numerous types of spinal adjustments and healing techniques. At Life Springs Family Chiropractic, we tailor care regimens to each individual to maximize results for their specific wellness goals.

A little more about subluxations and why chiropractic addresses them.

First, the simple explanation:

In simplest terms, a subluxation (a.k.a. Vertebral Subluxation) is when one or more of the bones of your spine (vertebrae) move out of position and create pressure on or irritate spinal nerves. Spinal nerves are the nerves that come out from between each of the bones in your spine. This pressure or irritation on the nerves then causes those nerves to malfunction and interfere with the signals traveling over those nerves.

How does this affect you?  Your nervous system controls and coordinates all the functions of your body. If you interfere with the signals traveling over nerves, parts of your body will not get the proper nerve messages and will not be able to function at 100% of their innate abilities. In other words, some part of your body will not be working properly it is the responsibility of the Doctor of Chiropractic to locate subluxations, and reduce or correct them. This is done through a series of chiropractic adjustments specifically designed to correct the vertebral subluxations in your spine. Chiropractors are the only professionals who undergo years of training to be the experts at correcting subluxations.

Now, the detailed explanation.

Subluxations are really a combination of changes going on at the same time. These changes occur both in your spine and throughout your body. For this reason chiropractors often refer to vertebral subluxations as the “Vertebral Subluxation Complex”, or “VSC” for short.

In the VSC, various things are happening inside your body simultaneously. These various changes, known as “components,” are all part of the vertebral subluxation complex. Chiropractors commonly recognize five categories of components present in the VSC. These five are:

The osseous (bone) component is where the vertebrae are either out of position, not moving properly, or are undergoing physical changes such as degeneration. This component is sometimes known as kinesiopathology.

The Nerve Component is the malfunctioning of the nerve. Research has shown that only a small amount of pressure on spinal nerves can have a profound impact on the function of the nerves. This component is scientifically known as neuropathology.

The Muscle Component is also involved. Since the muscles help hold the vertebrae in place, and since nerves control  the muscles themselves, muscles are an integral part of any VSC. In fact, muscles both affect, and are affected by the VSC. This component is known as myopathology.

The Soft Tissue Component is when you have misaligned vertebrae and pressure on nerves resulting in changes in the surrounding soft tissues. This means the tendons, ligaments, blood supply, and other tissues undergo changes. These changes can occur at the point of the VSC or far away at some end point of the affected nerves. This component is also known as histopathology.

The Chemical Component is when all these components of the VSC are acting on your body, and therefore causing some degree of chemical changes. These chemical changes can be slight or massive depending on what parts of your body are affected by your subluxations. This component is often known as biochemical abnormalities.

Chiropractors have known about the dangers of subluxations for over one hundred years. Today, more scientific evidence is showing the dangers of subluxations and the health benefits of correcting them. To be truly healthy, it is vital that your nervous system be functioning free of interference from subluxations. Our goal is to allow your body to return itself to the highest level of health possible by correcting VSC.  Chiropractors are the ONLY health professionals trained in the detection, location, and correction of the VSC.