Do spinal adjustments weaken or loosen the spine in any way?
In a word, no. Spinal adjustments restore the normal, healthy motion and position that each spinal segment requires. Because spinal adjustments, when delivered by a trained chiropractic doctor, do not injure or weaken the muscular and ligamentous structures of the spine, they do not cause any weakening or “loosening” of the spine. In order for the spine to be strong and able to withstand the various forces and stresses of daily life, the spinal bones must be in normal alignment and have their normal amount of movement. Spinal adjustments do just that.
How often should I get a spinal adjustment?
As soon as you develop “spinal nerve stress” it is time for a spinal adjustment. Since spinal nerve stress is often painless, it is best to have your spine checked regularly, just as you would have your teeth checked for “painless” cavities. Like cavities, spinal nerve stress that goes undetected often leads to pain and health complications. Catching the problem before it starts is the goal, so be evaluated for chiropractic care before symptoms appear is the best way to go.
Can I adjust myself?
Since a chiropractic adjustment is a specific force, applied in a specific direction, to a specific spinal bone, it is virtually impossible to adjust oneself. It is possible to turn or bend or twist in certain ways to create a “popping” sound, like the sound that often accompanies a chiropractic adjustment. Unfortunately, this type of joint “manipulation” is usually counterproductive, often making an already unstable area of the spine even more unsteady. This is also true for well-meaning friends or family members who are “chiropractor wanna-be’s” that want you to let them “crack” your back. Adjusting the spine is not for amateurs! Chiropractors themselves seek out the services of their colleagues to maintain their spinal health ,and it is important that you do the same.
I am not in pain or sick… should I see a chiropractor?
Most people who have their first heart attack had no idea they had a problem before it happened. In the same way, symptoms, or lack thereof, are not the best way to judge one’s health. Pain and other symptoms often show up only after years of body malfunction, so it is best to stop problems in their tracks before they start. Most people know that automobile maintenance is a must… without it, the care will malfunction in major ways. So you can think of chiropractic as a preventative, proactive type of health care, much like an oil change for a car, that will help avoid major malfunctions and keep you running smoothly.
Can someone with arthritis in their spine receive chiropractic care?
Most certainly. While there are various types of arthritis, the most common type occurring in the spine is called osteoarthritis. With few exceptions, people with degenerative osteoarthritis find chiropractic adjustments a great help in relieving their symptoms and improving overall body movement.
Can chiropractic prevent back surgery?
Most surgical cases begin with spinal subluxations that chiropractic care can often correct. And, generally, when detected soon enough, spinal adjustments can correct back problems so that surgery will not be necessary.
Can a person who has had back surgery see a chiropractor?
Yes. We have cared for numerous patients who have had various types of spinal surgeries, and with good results. It is an unfortunate fact that half of people who have spinal surgery experience a return of their original problems months or years later. This all too common occurrence is known as “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome.” Chiropractic can often help avoid repeated operations and keep patients feeling better, for good.
Can a person with a broken back or neck see a chiropractor?
In the majority of cases, yes. In fact, a broken bone forms a callous or bone scar when it heals, that is stronger than the rest of the bone. People who have had broken bones, in particular, need chiropractic check-ups because accidents usually cause spinal subluxations and result in callouses that can interfere with proper skeletal realignment.
Why do children need chiropractic care?
Since significant spinal trauma can occur during the birth process, many parents choose to have their newborns checked for spinal nerve stress (subluxations.) Later in life, activities like learning to walk or ride a bicycle, and many others can cause spinal problems. Many childhood health complaints that are brushed off as “growing pains”, can often be traced to spinal problems. Naturally, chiropractic adjusting procedures are modified to a child’s spine, and most parents report that their children enjoy their chiropractic adjustments and seem much healthier than other children. Further, chiropractic for children can help prevent health complaints often seen later in adulthood.
How safe is chiropractic care?
In the words of the New Zealand government and their “Report Of The Commission Of Inquiry”, chiropractic is remarkably safe. Being a conservative approach to health that avoids invasive procedures or addictive drugs, chiropractic has an excellent safety record with proven results.
What about strokes and neck adjustments?
Despite some misunderstanding by some in the medical community, actual scientific research reveals that the incidents of stroke from a chiropractic neck adjustment is extremely rare. According to a recent paper published in the Journal of the Canadian Medical Association (2001), 1 in 5.8 million neck adjustments may be related to altered blood flow through the vertebral arteries of the neck. Neck manipulation, primarily performed by physiotherapists and other medical professionals, however, has been somewhat more correlated with stroke; chiropractors do not perform such manipulations.
If I start chiropractic care, do I have to keep going?
Absolutely not. Similar to exercise, a person can begin, stop, or continue chiropractic adjustments as desired. Spinal adjustments do not have an addicting effect, nor do they create a condition whereby a person’s health is worse after receiving them.
What is the biggest benefit to a Chiropractic Lifestyle?
Simply put, ongoing chiropractic check-ups and adjustments help ensure that you can enjoy your life to the fullest extent in a body that feels and works at its possible best!