Case Studies:
1) “Chiropractic Management of a Patient with Subluxations, Low Back Pain and Epileptic seizures.” Alcantara, Herschong, Plaugher and Alcantara. JMPT, Volume 21, Number 6, pp. 410-
- This is a case study of a 21 year old female with a history since childhood of grand mal and petit mal seizures occurring every three hours. Examination revealed subluxation/dysfunction at L5-
S1, C6- C7 and C3- C4, retrolisthesis at L5, hypolordosis of the cervical spine and hyperextension at C6- C7. Gonstead care was administered and at a 1.5 year follow- up, “the patient reported her low back complaints had resolved and her seizures had decreased (period between seizures as great as 2 months.) The authors conclude, “Data suggests that epilepsies are common, with an incidence between 40 and 200 per 100,000 with an overall prevalence between 0.5- 1.0% of the general population. When one considers the potential side effects of antiepileptic drugs, research into the effects of chiropractic care for patients with epilepsy should be initiated.”
2) Chiropractic Adjustments and the reduction of petit mal seizures in a five-
- From the abstract: This case study involves a five-
year- old Caucasian male, presenting with petit mal (absence) seizures and bilateral toe in foot flare with leg pain. This study addresses the reduction in petit mal seizures, decreases in toe in foot flare and the cessation of bilateral leg pain while under chiropractic care. The child received upper cervical care (Palmer toggle- recoil and Thompson adjustments) and adjustments of T4, L2 and both sacroiliacs. By the third visit, the mother noted that the 4 to 6 seizures and hour had reduced to 2- 3 seizures every two hours. After two months of chiropractic care, it was reduced to 1 seizure per day with a duration of 2- 4 seconds. The bilateral leg pain completely resolved and the foot flare decreased.
3) Epileptic seizures, Nocturnal enuresis, ADD. Langley C. Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol 1 No. 1, April, 1994.
- An eight year old female with a history of epilepsy, heart murmur, hypoglycemia, nocturnal enuresis and attention deficit disorder had been to five pediatricians, three neurologists, six psychiatrists and ten hospitalizations. Child had been on Depakote, Depakene, Tofranil and Tegretol. The doctors told the mother the girl would never ride a bike nor do things like normal children do. The child was wetting the bed every night and experiencing 10-
12 seizures/day, with frequent mood swings, stomach pains, diarrhea and special education classes for learning disabilities. Chiropractic adjustments were given at C1/C2 for approximately three times per week. Two weeks after beginning care the bed- wetting began to resolve and was completely resolved after six months. She was also going to leave special education classes to enter regular fifth grade classes. After one year of chiropractic, the seizures were much milder and diminished to 8- 10 per week. Patient was also released from psychiatric care as “self managing.” Her resistance to disease increased and she can now ride a bike, roller skate and ice skate like a normal child. After medical examinations, she is expected to be off all medication within a month.
4) Longitudinal clinical case study: multi-
5) Cessation of seizure disorder: correction of the atlas subluxation complex. Goodman R. Proceedings of the National Conference on Chiropractic and Pediatrics (ICA), 1991:46-
- When beginning chiropractic care a five-
year- old girl was experiencing up to 70 seizures a day. She is now seizure- free and has her spine checked every 2- 3 months.
6) Cessation of a seizure disorder: correction of the atlas subluxation complex. Goodman R., Mosby J. Chiropractic: J of Chiropractic Research and Clinical Investigation. Jul 1990, Vol 6(2) pp.43-
- From the abstract: Patient was experiencing 1 to 70 seizures per day prior to chiropractic care. On the 17th day after the adjustment, the seizures numbered 100 (the most recorded). On the 27th day the seizures abated. The seizures remained absent for approximately 4 weeks. Adjustment was to the occipito-
atlanto- axial complex.
7) Subluxation location and correction. Stephen R. Goldman, D.C. Today’s ChiropracticJuly/August 1995 p.70-
- Case Study No.2 “A 22-
month- old child diagnosed with chronic infection and febrile seizures. Condition started when he fell out of a chair and hit his head on the floor. He had been on antibiotics and Phenobarbital since age six months. As a result of the medication did not eat well and lacked the strength to play. Chiropractic analysis revealed C1 subluxation. Within 4 months of adjustments all medication was stopped and he resumed normal activities for a boy of his age.”
8) Neurocalometer, Neurocalograph, Neurotempometer Research As Applied To Eight B.J. Palmer Chiropractic Clinic Cases. Preface by L.W. Sherman, DC, Asst. Director B.J. Palmer Chiropractic Clinic. Published by Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa (undated).
- Case No. 1560. Epilepsy (grand mal) . Age 24. He has had seizures since age 7, most of the convulsions occur at night, averaging 1-
5 every 24 hours. Patient’s entrance remarks: “The longest that he has gone without any attacks has been two or three weeks and that was immediately after adjustment from local chiropractor. Patient has been taking Phenobarbital for past 17 years.” Phenobarbitol use was discontinued a day or two prior to his entering the BJP Clinic and “much of the reaction following reduction of nerve pressure was, in our opinion, withdrawal symptoms….” After the first adjustment his attacks increased in severity and number. The patient began to experience various symptoms: headache, hallucinations, numbness in both hands. The attacks increased per day to 12, 26, 51, 41, 54, 78, 97, 125- 150 (in one 24 hour period!). The patient then reported five seizure- free months. Symptoms returned briefly after dental work was performed but after adjustment disappeared. Patient eventually remained seizure- free.
9) Neurocalometer, Neurocalograph, Neurotempometer Research As Applied To Eight B.J. Palmer Chiropractic Clinic Cases. Preface by L.W. Sherman, DC, Asst. Director B.J. Palmer Chiropractic Clinic. Published by Palmer School of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa (undated).
- Case No. 2348. Epilepsy. Boy, aged 5 years. March 1944 child had a streptococci infection in inner ear. Started falling many times each day: often hurt himself. Child had a tonsillectomy, appendectomy, and hernia operation “since this trouble started.” Child had first adjustment 8-
22- 45. Immediately after the first adjustment, “child became more alert and his eyes started getting clearer. His appetite increased and we noticed he wasn’t so nervous.” In the two weeks since the first adjustment, the child gained five pounds. Child was discharged and parents were advised to have child under observation for period of several months as the original NCM reading (pattern) has a good chance of returning. Child had a “mild attack” three months later and has since remained free of epileptic symptoms. Child had one adjustment in all. Child’s father later entered Palmer School Chiropractic.
10) Cortical blindness, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and recurring otitis media: A case study in chiropractic management. Amalu WC, Today’s Chiropractic May/June 1998 pp.16-
- This is the story of a 5-
year- old boy referred by his parents because of recurring middle- ear infections at one- month intervals. Child had been diagnosed with cortical blindness, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and severe brain damage, secondary to possible aborted crib death or viral encephalitis. His mother reported he had been a very healthy child. “Two days following a well- child checkup with an inoculation,” became “colicky” and developed a mild upper respiratory infection with fever. After putting him to sleep, he became cyanotic, gasping for air and nonresponsive. In ER a septic workup found no infection. A cranial CT- scan showed cerebral edema, comparable with either an ischemic insult or sepsis. Child began to have seizures 24 hours later, diagnosed as severe hypoxemic encephalopathy, secondary to possible SIDS or vital encephalitis. Child remained on Phenobarbital for over 1½ years then placed on dilantin. Multiple specialists aid he would never walk, speak, regain his vision or progress in school. At the time of his first chiropractic visit, he was having 30 grand mal and complex seizures a day and otitis media once per month. “Upon presentation, the patient was non- ambulatory, uncommunicative and non- responsive with a constant loud vocal drone and almost constant writhing torsocephalic motions…gross motor coordination included reaching out with his hands and rolling over onto all fours.”
11) Chiropractic Management:
- “Correction of the atlanto-
occipital subluxation was chosen as the first to be adjusted.” Knee- chest posture adjustment on posterior arch of atlas. After the 1st adjustment, the mother noted that he had his first good- night sleep in weeks. After the 2nd adjustment seizures reduced to only 10 a day, vocal drone became a quiet intermittent moan and he began to clap his hands. During the next week patient had become more alert, sitting up and looking around, responded to sounds and seizures decreased to 5 per day. Pupillary reflexes returned to nor- mal, almost all writhing motions had ceased, ears were clear of effusion. 3rd week: seizures were 5 per day, no grand mal. Sleeping through the nights. For the first time in his life he vocalized “dada” and began vowel sounds. Overall, spasticity had de- ceased in all extremities. He began showing fine motor skills. He had his first month free from otitis media in 9 months. 5 th week: ophthalmologist noted a drastic improvement with recovery of central field vision. Seizures now to 3 per day. Saying more words and improved fine motor coordination. 7- 12 weeks: seizures reduced to staring spells which saying his name brought him out of. Over the next 10 months improvement continued. All epileptic drugs removed and neurologist declared him non- epileptic. He remained from of ear infections. His vision improved to the point where he was prescribed glasses. Vocabulary continued to increase. He was learning to feed himself and was potty training. He was able to walk slowly with the assistance of holding someone’s hand.
12) Comment (tk): This appears to be a vaccine related injury. Encephalopthy is known in the medical literature as a possible reaction to the DTP inoculation. EG and CEEG studies before and after upper cervical or SOT category 11 adjustment in children after head trauma, in epilepsy, and in “hyperactivity.” Hospers LA, Proc of the Nat’l Conference on Chiropractic and Pediatrics (ICA) 1992;84-
- Five cases were presented. Conventional EEG studies demonstrate responses of two children with petite mal (absent seizure) with potential for generating into grand mal. Upper cervical adjustment reduced negative brainwave activity and reduced the frequency of seizures over a four month period. In two cases of “hyperactivity” and attention deficit disorder, upper cervical adjustment reduced non-
coherence between right and left hemi- spheres in one child and in another, CEEG demonstrated restoration of normal incidence of the alpha frequency spectrum. Increased attention span and improvement of social behavior were reported in both cases. A child rendered hemiplegic after an auto accident displayed abnormal brainwave readings. After adjustment, the CEEG demonstrated more normalized brainwave readings. Child was able to utilize his left arm and leg contralaterally to the injured side of the brain without assistance after upper cervical adjustments.
13) The side-
- Male, age 15 with epileptic seizures due to birth trauma. Medication: antibiotics, Mebaral, Depakene, Klonopin, Phenobarbital, Dilantin.
- Chiropractic results: Marked decrease of number and frequency of seizures since onset of care. Decreased medication intake to one drug with 1/3 dosage. Able to recover from flu, cold, respiratory infection without medication or antibiotics and without seizure. Marked improvement in school. 5 years later the child has been seizure free for a few years on reduced dose of medication. Presenting Vertebral Subluxation: Occiput/C1 with Atlas ASR, C5/C6 posterior, D4/D5 posterior.
14) Brain injured child with seizures benefits from chiropractic care. Gambino, D.W.,Chiropractic Pediatrics Vol. 2, No. 1, Oct. 1995
- From the abstract: A five year old boy with a history of seizures and brain injury began chiropractic care using the Harrison (CBP) Model (Chiropractic Biophysics Technique). Immediate improvements were seen and seizure activity virtually ceased to exist.
Peer reviewed Journals:
1) Structural normalization in infants and children with particular reference to disturbances of the CNS. Woods RH JAOA, May 1973,72: pp.903-
2) Blocked atlantal nerve syndrome in infants and small children. Gutman G. International Review of Chiropractic, 1990; July:37-
- From the abstract: Three case reports are reviewed to illustrate a syndrome that has so far received far too little attention, which is caused and perpetuated in babies and infants by blocked nerve impulses at the atlas. Included in the clinical picture are lowered resistance to infections, especially to ear-
, nose- , and throat infections, two cases of insomnia, two cases of cranial bone asymmetry, and one case each of torticollis, retarded locomotor development, retarded linguistic development, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, earache, extreme neck sensitivity, incipient scoliosis, delayed hip development, and seizures.